
You can download the latest version of CHEAQS Next ( by clicking here. To check the integrity of the download, you can use the CRC32 (F4264651) and/or CRC64 (BA4DBED90F7C4E6E according to 7-Zip; 3d1ea79049ba24eb according to Peazip). Features of this version:

As mentioned above, when you run the program, you can download and display the manual and the database document. If you prefer, you can:

In some cases you may prefer the older version, for example: The latter two options will be implemented soon in the new version. You can download the older version here (CRC32: 5D6E0E8E; CRC64: 9C25D5C251369470 according to 7-Zip), the manual here and the database document here.

I recommend not to download CHEAQS from other sites. Only downloading CHEAQS from here guarantees a secure and up-to-date download. Also, I recommend not to use any other uninstallers than the one included with CHEAQS Next. Their 'solution' is usually worse than the supposed problem.


Registering as user

It is recommended that you register below as CHEAQS user, because then you will be informed about updates and bugs. You can expect two to four emails per year. Of course your email will not be used for anything else. (You may need to check your spam folder for the confirmation email.)


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